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Adventurers Log

The owner of this guestbook has (temporarily) disabled adding new messages.

03:27 13-11-2020
Christina Andrews
Being in the CGG has been a-MOOSE-ing time! I can’t believe QFG is 30!
04:33 06-09-2020
Alive and still kickin!
20:44 05-09-2020
I remember these from the 90s lol
14:19 07-10-2019
Jaime Ferguson
ODS BODKINS it's the 30th anniversary!! Jam was here from the CGG.
22:55 06-10-2019
Jess Lai
<= Jess woz ere => Happy 30th, HQ/QFG!! *toasts with a whisky*
08:23 06-10-2019
Aaron Keller
Signed with a resounding flourish from a lifelong fan. Happy 30 years, QfG!!! Repping the CGG
23:04 05-10-2019
Kevin Allen
Sign with flourish. I’d even like to see more remakes with enhanced graphics.
22:51 05-10-2019
Sean McCauley
Classic Gamers Guild Beer Club was here! (flourish)
21:46 05-10-2019
Flourish goes here
11:53 24-06-2018
I used to be a webmaster like you, but then I was flattened by an antwerp.
22:07 23-06-2018
Anna CGG
Great site glad I came for a visit. If you ever need a hero I know how to trap an Antwerp.
18:15 23-06-2018
Nicholas Ginty
Cheers fellow Heroes!
17:34 23-06-2018
Sup guysss! Rogues rule, girls drool!!!
17:07 23-06-2018
CGG all the way, my friend
23:42 15-08-2014
Done and done, it's almost becoming a habit by now.
Messages: 1 until 15 of 16.
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